The data you need – curated and easy to use 

Dive deep into statistics both digestible and transparent with Statista, a global data portal. 

Using over 22,000 sources, Statista conducts its own research and gathers more data from secondary sources rooted in facts and well-sourced. 

Whether it’s data for financial markets, business plans, demographics, surveys, forecasts, or consumer markets, Statista has it. Filters can be placed to narrow down results. With a wide range of topics and sources, Statista is sure to help students, marketers, businesses and more. 

Statista is available now at 

This resource is available through the Elkhart Public Library Digital Library, which is always open at for EPL cardholders. The Digital Library has an array of resources offering ebooks, audiobooks, streaming TV and movieshomework helplanguage lessonsgenealogycrafting help and much, much more. Don’t have a library card? Get one today.

All library locations will be closed Dec. 31-Jan. 1 | Our Digital Library is always open
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