Sweet! Michiana Science Cafe taps into syrup

Science doesn’t just happen in white-coat labs. Discoveries can be made in conversations, leading to greater understanding and new routes of research.

The Michiana Science Cafe is a product of the Science Policy Initiative at Notre Dame. The goal? Make science available to everyone.

And what’s more approachable than sugar?

The first meeting of the new year – 7:30 p.m. Tuesday (Jan. 26) on Facebook Live – looks at the science of maple sugaring. The tradition of tapping maples was started by indigenous people, and – of course – has been impacted by modern technology.

Amal Farrough of the St. Joseph County Parks Department will be the featured guest for the program.

To expand your curiosity, Elkhart Public Library offers these reading suggestions to get you into the discussion. You always can find more exploring our Digital Library.

Or, if you just prefer Dylanesque pop bubblegum favorites, there’s this.

The upcoming season will be happening virtually. Facebook Live will be the platform. The discussion leader invites comments and questions.

The cafes occur in casual settings, with conversations targeted toward adults. The events give participants an opportunity to meet, hear from, and ask questions of local scientists.

And, just like borrowing books from the library, the events are free.

All library locations will be closed Dec. 24-25 | Our Digital Library is always open
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