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Cookies and Canvas Junior

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

This event is full. Keep watching for more great activities. Create an acrylic painting each session and learn new artistic skills. Perfect for ages 5-10.


Computer One-on-One

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

Call the Computer Center at 574.294.2847 or sign up in person to reserve 30 minutes of basic, stress-free computer help from our experts. From saving a file to accessing library resources, we can help. Time slots are listed below.  4:30, 5, 5:30 and 6 p.m.


Elkhart Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting

The Elkhart Public Library meets the third Tuesday of each month to discuss library business. Learn more about the board and upcoming meeting here. Note: November's meeting will take place one week earlier due to Thanksgiving.


Eviction and Housing Clinic

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

Free legal advice regarding evictions and housing issues is provided by the Volunteer Lawyer Network. Sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis. La Red de Abogados Voluntarios responderá a las preguntas y asesorará, por orden de llegada, sobre cuestiones relacionadas con los propietarios e inquilinos durante su Clínica de Desahucio y Vivienda.

Intermediate Microsoft Excel

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

You know the basics, now move ahead to charts, aggregate functions and more in this one-hour session. Reserve a spot by calling 574.294.2847. 

Cookies and Canvas for Tweens and Teens

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

Ages 11 and up will create a new acrylic painting. Use creativity and learn new painting skills each session.


Preschool Party: Octonauts

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

Collect Octonaut creature cards while learning about underwater creatures and learning literacy skills.

Getting Familiar with Genealogy Resources

Dunlap Branch 58485 C.R. 13 East, Elkhart, IN, United States

Start your family tree search here, with the basics of how to trace your roots using the library’s great services.

Candle Making for Teens

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

Lighten up this winter and come make a candle. It makes no scents why you would miss this.

Get to know our Board of Trustees and view the skills required to be our next Executive Director
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