Cookies and Canvas Junior
Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States(This event is full. Keep watching for more great activities.) Develop painting skills and create something beautiful together. Great for ages 5-10.
(This event is full. Keep watching for more great activities.) Develop painting skills and create something beautiful together. Great for ages 5-10.
En esta presentación aprenderemos: -Por qué demasiado tiempo frente a las pantallas puede causar problemas -Cómo establecer límites saludables para el uso de la technología por niños de 2 a 12 años -Cómo implementar consecuencias que funcionen Para registrarse
Make a mess at the library. Your kids will love the sensory activities that develop motor and language skills, we’ll clean up.
Branches are hosting summer fun. Same party, different place. Choose a date and branch to visit or come to them all. We'll have summer fun including water balloons, noodle games, snacks and prizes. July 18 - Dunlap
Create your own stickers for your water bottle, notebook, phone case or anything else.
Enjoy stories, songs and more during this interactive Storytime that is sure to get kids moving.
The Elkhart Public Library meets the third Tuesday of each month to discuss library business. Learn more about the board and upcoming meeting here. Note: November's meeting will take place one week earlier due to Thanksgiving.
Join Miss Debbie for stories and songs while practicing social skills and motor skills. Two sessions are available fro your convenience, one at 9:30 a.m. and the same program again at 10:30 a.m.
This Storytime is for the littlest ones, from birth to 24 months. Introduce literacy, motor skills and language concepts to your baby through stories, songs, rhymes and playtime.
Join Miss Debbie for stories, songs, rhymes and motor skills. There's also a second, 9:30 a.m. session. Same storytime, two convenient times.
Meet new friends and gain literacy and social skills through stories, songs, rhymes and more at the Cleveland Branch.
(This event is currently full. Keep watching for more great activities.) Bring a pair of white canvas shoes and we’ll turn them into wearable tie-dye or galaxy creations.