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Puzzle Swap

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

Drop off a used puzzle in good condition and receive a ticket for each. The tickets can be used during pick-up week, March 20-25 to pick out a new-to-you puzzle. […]

Teen DIY Faux Stained Glass

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

Make a beautiful and unique piece that will bring color and light into your space.

Build a Puppet Workshop

Osolo Branch 3429 E. Bristol St., Elkhart, IN, United States

Create your own puppet, learn some puppeteering tips and participate in a puppet choir.


Homeschool: Anatomy Experiments

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

Make a working model of the heart and lungs. We'll also experiment with how the eyes and muscles work.

Staying Scam Free

Dunlap Branch 58485 C.R. 13 East, Elkhart, IN, United States

Scams affect people every day. A Purdue Extension educator will go over the basics of keeping your personal information safe and what scams to look out for.

Computer One-on-One

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

Call the Computer Center at 574.294.2847 or sign up in person to reserve 30 minutes of basic, stress-free computer help from our experts. From saving a file to accessing library resources, we can help. […]

Cookies and Canvas Junior

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United States

(This event is full. Keep watching for more great activities.) Create an acrylic painting each session and learn new artistic skills. Perfect for ages 5-10.


Hora de Leer Cuentos

Pierre Moran Branch 2400 Benham Ave, Elkhart, IN, United States

Únete a nosotros para una tarde especial de cuentos en español. Cuentos desarrolla las habilidades lectoras a través de los cuentos, el arte, y la música. Join our special evening […]

Romance Readers Roundup

Romance readers, hear the latest book releases and discuss what you are reading and what you’re looking forward to. Get on hold lists first and find your next favorite romance […]

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