Hooks and Needles
Cleveland Branch 53715 C.R. 1, Elkhart, IN, United StatesBeginner and expert knitters and crocheters are welcome to work on new or existing projects, share tips, ideas and meet other enthusiasts.
Beginner and expert knitters and crocheters are welcome to work on new or existing projects, share tips, ideas and meet other enthusiasts.
Take a new challenge each month and see what you can create with other kids.
Everyone goes home with a gift bag after our age-grouped egg hunt. Watch our Facebook page for more information.
Drop in to Pierre Moran anytime in April to find our hidden bunnies and win a prize.
Combine your LEGO building abilities with coding for sets that move, light up, play sounds and more. Registration for this program opens March 1.
Catch up with friends and make new ones at this drop-in social time.
Drop in to Pierre Moran anytime in April to find our hidden bunnies and win a prize.
Work together to bring LEGO creations to life with coding to make them light up, play sounds or move. Great for ages six and up. Registration for this program opens […]
Join a fiesta that’s all about the kids. Piñatas, games, prizes, snacks and free books!
Celebrate children during this traditional Latino holiday with face-painting, activities and more.
Build with our LEGOs at Osolo. Come in and we'll challenge you to build something and share it with the group.
Beginner and expert knitters and crocheters are welcome to work on new or existing projects, share tips, ideas and meet other enthusiasts.