EPL a donation spot for EEF Tools for School

Elkhart Public Library locations will serve as donation sites for the Elkhart Education Foundation’s Tools for School program.

Donation bin for Tools for School

Teachers in the Elkhart Community Schools system report spending an average of $1,000 of their own money on supplies and hygiene products for their students each school year, according to EEF.

To combat this, the foundation set up its Schoolhouse Supplies “store” where teachers, paras, counselors and social workers can pick up supplies for their classrooms for free.

All Elkhart Public Library locations will serve as some of the 50 donation sites, at organizations and businesses throughout the Elkhart area, for the program’s drive to stock the store.

Donations may be dropped off in the designated school bus box during EPL open hours and may include gently used supplies that can be repurposed or new items. The donation period will run throughout August.

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