How we work

What do each of the departments at Elkhart Public Library do? Take a look inside our operation.

Technical Services

Supervisor: Katie Graham

Even if you’re the first person to check out a new release, Technical Services first had to work its magic. Ordering, cataloging, prep and repair are all done by this hard-working crew to keep the materials you want available for checkout.


Supervisor: Nick Lemasters

We couldn’t work for you if our team of trained professionals didn’t keep the lights on, the air circulating, and the places clean.

Young People’s Services

Supervisor: Allison McLean

With a commitment to help every child read and succeed, these librarians and assistants offer programs and considerable knowledge for everyone under the age of 18 and their parents.

Computer Services

Supervisor: Eric Nord

Our experienced techs can help you with any device, program or app. They also oversee our internal network, make sure the catalog is up to the search, and keep the public computers ready to go.

Circulation and Branches

Managers: Deb Bloom (Downtown), Sue Eller (Dunlap), Jarret Mitchell (Pierre Moran), Mary Ann Kempa (Cleveland)

They’re the friendly faces helping you at check out. Behind the scenes, they also get books on hold ready for pick up, check in and re-shelve returned materials, help with special displays and even help select some of the books to be added to the library’s collection.

Popular Materials

Supervisor: Jeanne Glanders

From chart toppers to classics, this department knows a great read … and watch … and listen. In addition to picking the library’s fiction in print, CD, and digital formats, they also choose a wide variety of movies and music for library users to enjoy


Supervisor: Susan Schroeder

If you have a question, these librarians can provide the answer. From highly technical wiring schemes to the long-lost story for your family tree, you can count on this research to be thorough and accurate.

Marketing and Community Relations

Chief Marketing Officer: Trevor Wendzonka
Communications Manager: Sam Householder
Audience Development Manager: Jill Martinson

Who else could tell you the story of how cool your library is? And who better to take the library outside of its walls? This collective brings the library to you, whether its through social media, during a visit to your child’s daycare or your parents’ retirement complex, or through our homebound visits to those that can’t physically visit the library. They’re all about making sure the library is accessible to all of the people in our service area.


Interim Executive Director and Director of Public Services: Mary Beth Schlabach
Director of Branch and Technical Services: Kevin Kilmer
Director of Human Resources: Nathan Claeys
Senior Business Operations Manager: John Dawson
Senior Business Manager: Jane Garoutte

Last, but not least, the bosses. This team makes the decisions and pays the bills for you to have a safe and vibrant library to visit and access online.

Get to know our Board of Trustees and view the skills required to be our next Executive Director
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