Elkhart (Ind.) Public Library is seeking proposals for fundraising feasibility studies related to a proposed renovation and/or expansion of the Downtown library, 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN 46516.

The proposal is available for viewing here.

Questions about the RFP may be submitted to Lisa Guedea Carreño, Library Director, via email or the form below not less than ten (10) business days prior to the RFP submission deadline.

• Questions must be received by Aug. 9, 2024
• All answers and questions will be posted to this page by Aug. 16, 2024.
• RFP deadline is Aug. 23, 2024.

Ongoing Q&A will be updated below:
Questions and answers updated on Aug. 12

Q1. Are you working with an architect?
A1. We hired krM Architecture+ (Indianapolis) to do the space feasibility study.

Q2. Is it possible to see the space feasibility study?
A2. Yes, you may download it here.

Q3. How did you determine what is needed in terms of space? Was there a programmatic and/or community needs assessment?
A3. krM Architecture+ gathered input from the community and from Library staff. Their methods and resulting conclusions are described in the Appendix of the space feasibility study (linked above).

Q4. Can you provide quantifiable information about your children’s programming and how renovated/expanded space would impact the current numbers?
A4. We have statistics on how many children’s programs we hold each month and the number of attendees at those programs. We also have data for the Summer Reading Challenge (how many children read for how many weeks) and for our Growing Readers tutoring program (how many children have achieved grade level reading goals). Currently we are working at identifying specific KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and anticipated outcomes associated with renovation/expansion of the children’s and teen spaces in the Library.

Q5. Do you partner with other organizations serving children, youth, and families?
A5. Yes, we regularly partner with the two school districts in the Library’s service area (Elkhart and Concord), the parks departments of both the city and county, Wellfield Botanic Gardens, BABE Center/Women’s Care Center, Elkhart General Hospital, and the Tolson Center for Community Excellence. In recent years, we have collaborated also with Elkhart Civic Theater, Rotary, Elkhart Education Foundation, Building Strong Brains, Elkhart Civic Theater, CAPS, and E3 Robotics Center. We have also held programs specifically for homeschooling families.

Q6. Do you have a model peer library to which you could compare Elkhart Public Library’s children’s and teens’ programming and spaces before and after renovation/expansion?
A6. While we visited a number of public libraries that had recently renovated or expanded their children’s and/or teens’ spaces, the information we gathered was anecdotal and primarily for the purpose of generating ideas for our space. However, we are happy to request such data from any or all of these libraries.

Q7, Will renovation or expansion involve hiring additional staff?
A7. We do not anticipate hiring additional staff for any of the three design concepts. If we do decide to hire additional staff, it likely will be one (1) FTE or less.

Q8. Have you calculated other additional ongoing costs of expanding the children’s and teen areas – utilities, cleaning, maintenance, etc.?
A8. No, we have not (yet).

Q9. Does the Library have an endowment?
A9. Elkhart Public Library has an (irrevocable) endowed fund at the Community Foundation of Elkhart County. Each year we have the option to spend or roll into a separate fund a certain amount based on investment performance over the last 16 quarters. For the past several decades, we have chosen not to use the available dollars but rather to add them back into the fund’s principal.

RFP – Fundraising Feasibility Study

Please note: Questions and responses will be posted to this page. Name/company will be considered confidential information and will not be posted.